Laguage How Your Language Affects Your Well-Being Choosing Words That Work for You Language plays a critical role in shaping your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. If you struggle with anxiety or depression, the choice of words you
Journaling The Power of Journaling Journaling is an amazingly powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. By regularly putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper, you can develop a greater sense of emotional clarity
Grounding Grounding and Mindfulness Grounding is all about bringing your attention back to the present moment, often by focusing on your physical senses. It’s amazingly helpful for anyone dealing with stress, anxiety or
Relationships Communication Is About a Lot More Than Talking I've been a therapist for over 25 years. As you might imagine, communication comes up all the time, especially with couples, but it also comes up with kids, co-parenting with exes and sometimes bosses and coworkers. Sometimes people will say they'
Relationships Listening Better What is it in our relationships that leaves us unhappy so often? We seem to cycle through the same problems over and over. We have the same arguments. We keep
Relationships Fighting Smart, Fighting Fair There are at the very least two good reasons to fight fair. It will help you have better relationships, and it will make your life easier and happier.
Happiness The Other Fifty Shades of Gray For me, gray is the color of depression. While I like gray as a color and there is plenty of it in my wardrobe, for my emotions, it's the color for funky depressive moods, attitudes, days and even for some eras of
Principles Living in a Complex Real World In a recent Monday email one of my current favorite authors, Mark Manson, was reacting to the unrest following the shock and sadness of the George Floyd tragedy. What he had to say is not only some of the best writing on the subject
Happiness How to Be OK When Things Aren't OK I prepared to stay at home during the COVID-19 crisis March 13, 2020. It was a few days before the California Stay at Home Order. I was growing concerned by how hard COVID was hitting Italy and the growing problems in New York. I&
Life 2.0 The Change Loop Do you know how your thermostat works? Many people think they do, but I'm not so sure. Too many of them do things that tell me they really don't. To describe it in its most basic parts, your thermostat is
Principles Principle 7 – Pay Attention to Character You can start this series at the beginning [] or go back to the last post []. Who do you spend your time with? Are most of the people you know positive and healthy? Do they
Principles Principle 6 – Use Time Well You can start this series at the beginning [], go back to the last post [] or skip ahead [] to the next. How do you spend your down time? For most
Principles Principle 5 – Ask Better Questions You can start this series at the beginning [], go back to the last post []. or skip ahead [] to the next. Contrary to the opinion of all the teachers you&
Happiness How We Create Unhappiness Focusing on Happiness There’s an assumption that we go through life wanting to be happy. We're assumed to be looking for happiness or trying to create a happy life. Much of practical self-help and classical philosophy is based on this. The
Habits Sitting with Yourself There's a scene in Men in Black (1997) set in the city morgue. The coroner (Linda Fiorentino) and J (Will Smith) are standing by the body of an older man when his ears pop out sideways and his face hinges open to
Principles Principle 4 – Stay Present in the Present You can start this series at the beginning [], go back to the last post [] or skip ahead [] to the next. We can only be in one timeframe physically, but
Principles Principle 3 – Engage Life You can start this series at the beginning [], or go back to the last post [] or skip ahead [] to the next. Principle 3 – Engage Life Learn to engage with
Principles Principle 2 – Keep Moving You can start this series at the beginning [], or go back to the last post [] or skip ahead to the next one []. Principle 2 – Keep Moving Living well is
Principles Principle 1 – Things Actually Take Time You can start this series at the beginning [] or skip ahead to the next post []. In this and the next several posts, I'm going to go over a few of the basic
Thinking We Become What We Think About At the time I started putting this site together, I started looking for a new tag line. My students had been looking at “Question Everything Better.” on the screen before class for about a year. I had been considering using that here and then
Thinking Thinking I spend a lot of time thinking. It's one of the reasons this site is named what it is. Technically, we all spend a lot of time thinking. Our heads are seldom very quiet for very long. If you're not