Relationships Listening Better What is it in our relationships that leaves us unhappy so often? We seem to cycle through the same problems over and over. We have the same arguments. We keep
Life 2.0 The Change Loop Do you know how your thermostat works? Many people think they do, but I'm not so sure. Too many of them do things that tell me they really don't. To describe it in its most basic parts, your thermostat is
Principles Principle 7 – Pay Attention to Character You can start this series at the beginning [] or go back to the last post []. Who do you spend your time with? Are most of the people you know positive and healthy? Do they
Principles Principle 3 – Engage Life You can start this series at the beginning [], or go back to the last post [] or skip ahead [] to the next. Principle 3 – Engage Life Learn to engage with
Thinking We Become What We Think About At the time I started putting this site together, I started looking for a new tag line. My students had been looking at “Question Everything Better.” on the screen before class for about a year. I had been considering using that here and then
Thinking Thinking I spend a lot of time thinking. It's one of the reasons this site is named what it is. Technically, we all spend a lot of time thinking. Our heads are seldom very quiet for very long. If you're not